Richmond Swansea Heavies

United Kingdom


About Us
Richmond is one of the oldest rugby football clubs in the world and is proud to be one of the few club sides to still compete in the International Vets 10s. Richmond Swansea Heavies was put together by Jon Lewis in 2004 and is a team made up of those with Richmond FC and Swansea University ties. In 2005 they reached the final a few weeks after Jon sadly passed away.  In 2018 the Richmond Heavies Foundation was founded after sadly losing three more young members, Stephen Fairn, Stewart Barlow and Ian Williams. The Foundation was created to help protect players and support families including heart screening for players and a separate defibrillator fund has been set up supporting clubs around the UK, with the aim to make sure there is a defibrillator in every Club in the UK. Our journey to the Dubai Sevens is a great opportunity to remember our dearest friends, support other teams and spread the word of the amazing work done by the Foundation.

Team Information


Age Group: Over 35 Mens

Sport : Rugby Sevens